The 3 Vital Questions
The quality of our lives has everything to do with the quality of our relationships, families, colleagues, teams and society.
Join us as we explore the 3 Vital Questions (3VQ). This framework, which we will work according to, is based on 30 years of research and will provide a way to shift from drama to empowered values, choices and relationships.
This course is ideal for you and/or your team if:
- You’ve experienced personal or workplace drama.
- You feel disempowered by the relationships in your life or at work.
- You feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or puzzled by the drama around you.
- You feel stuck personally or professionally.
The Key Outcomes of The 3VQ:
- Awaken your inner observer and increase self-awareness as you learn practical ways to notice what triggers everyday drama.
- Learn how to shift into more empowering ways of relating to others, especially in the midst of drama and relational tension.
- Learn how to leverage the 3VQ insights to create more cohesive teams.
- Show up to work and other areas of life with less stress and more ease.
- Improve your organisations ability to work toward outcomes which require teamwork collaboration.
- 8 online units (30 – 45mins) each, inclusive of downloadable documents, infographics, exercises and assignments to support learning and implementation.
- 5 live sessions (75mins each) facilitated by Célia Senekal (accredited 3VQ facilitator).
Dates: 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st March 2021
Time: 10am – 11:15am
Cost: R3500 per person (ex VAT)
Limited spaces available. For information, bookings or to request a 3VQ course for your team or organisation email